Old, new, curious and cool at Found in Burnham Market

Found is a good name for an interiors shop full of cool salvaged vintage stuff as well as nice new finds. And, in this case, fitting because, like many of the shops in Burnham Market, it’s a little bit hidden away above another shop (in this case Gurney’s the fishmongers). But I’d heard good things by way of its sister store, Bringing the Outside In, and I really like seeking things out so up the hidden staircase we climbed.
And I’m so glad we did. There were so many great things in one relatively small space that it really does feel like a bit of a find. We had a lovely time browsing around, one thing after another catching our eye. I loved the stripey water jugs, cosy chevron blankets, botanical prints and amazing yellow vintage chairs. I would have happily have given it all space at home!
Images by Kathryn Sharman